Test-driven development by example by Kent Beck

Test-driven development by example

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Test-driven development by example Kent Beck ebook
Format: chm
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Page: 240
ISBN: 0321146530, 9780321146533

If you write a test then write the code which makes the test pass the end result is a piece of code which demonstrates how the But if you are writing tests for all the features you add (before or after you write the code) you are essentially creating examples of how to use the library/framework/application. Oct 2, 2009 - I generally prefer reference books to introductory tests, so when I got the opportunity to read Kent Beck's Test Driven Development By Example , I was really surprised how easy to read—dare I say fun?—it was. May 14, 2014 - A side effect of TDD is that the resulting tests are working examples for invoking the code, thereby providing a working specification for the code. It teaches you how to develop software using test-driven development at the example of a roman numeral converter. In my previous post I gave an example of the benefits of fixing a bug by first writing a test. Nov 23, 2010 - I spent some time working though TDD using C# over the last week. May 17, 2014 - Test Driven Development. May 13, 2014 - If you've somehow managed to miss the keynote, blog post and subsequent shitstorm about it, David Heinemeier Hansson (dhh), creator of ruby on rails, has recently come out and declared test-driven development (TDD) dead. Apr 29, 2011 - In this series of post I am going to talk about how I implement systems in Asp.Net MVC using TDD. Then this article is for you – a concrete example of how to get started with acceptance-test driven development on an existing code base. I've read a lot for and a lot against Test Driven Development (TDD) but I don't every remember something TDD has really helped me with. I thought the book was well-organized. Dec 28, 2013 - Wer mit Test-Driven Development beginnen möchte, kommt um Kent Becks Buch nicht herum. I've dubbed it David gives an example of why unit tests aren't valuable because they didn't catch a BaseCamp bug to do with attachments (hint: the issue isn't to do with unit testing per se, but having only one style of tests). Even if my example had actually shown such a test, bugfixing isn't the archetypal TDD scenario. Each chapter has small-enough chunks of logic broken down and demonstrating his points was great. Aug 31, 2008 - This video is an introduction into test-driven development. Oct 25, 2013 - Have you ever been in this situation?